Define the recurrence of payments to merchants

4 periods are available for automatic generation and sending of remittances : 

  • Daily: D-1 between 00:00 and 23:59
  • Weekly: D-7 00:00 and D-1 23:59
  • Bi-monthly: from the 1st 00:00 to the 14th 23:59 and from the 15th to the last day of the month
  • Monthly: from the first day of the previous month at 00:00 to the last day of the previous month at 23:59

  For your understanding

These remittances will be edited in .pdf format, and sent by email to your merchants. These documents contain the information of the sums that each merchant has collected for you, and consequently, the sums that you owe them, with possibly a commission indicated on the document.

You must define the frequency of publication of remittances, in relation to the frequency of payments of sums collected.

The "data start date" determines the start date on which transactions will be taken into account for payments

Finally, the commission in% (VAT included) taken on transactions must be fulfilled.




The first report that will be edited will take into account all transactions from the departure date until the day before (included in the report). 

When the frequency changes, the next report will take into account all transactions made between the end date of the last report and the date of the new report.


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