Your terminals will be used on different configured profit centers. In order to be ready for the opening you must:
- Charge the terminals
- Connect the terminals to Wifi
- Force synchronization of Cashless Sync
- Check the whole terminal fleet
Charge the terminals at their maximum.
The terminals must be connected to the Wifi network in order to synchronize with the back office. Once the synchronization is successful, there is no need for a network to carry out cashless transactions.
To access the Wifi settings just click on the icon from the POS application's home screen. The setting is done in the same way as on a smartphone.
Cashless POS > Wifi
The terminals are not yet synchronized with the new configuration of the back office, so force the synchronization from the application Cashless Sync.
Cashless Sync > Menu > Force synchronization
All hardware must be synchronized to ensure all terminals are functional. The ideal time is to do it upon reception to have time to check everything and contact the support if necessary.
When checking all terminals, it is also an opportunity to check and test the configuration.